Details to follow for the technical impact and where the issue arose with the change to Result service.
We believe the most recent changes deployed to BankTech have caused the DC results processing to fail.
Our Technical team are scheduled to roll back the changes tonight and reprocess the results on BankTech.
We checked the database and found that month-end collections (29th to 31st August) were in a ‘Submitted’ state and still within their tracking period. Although technically possible, it was strange that no collections had received a “Successful” result.
We communicated this with the client and then sent a request to BOL for assistance regarding the result files query. (Reference Number BPS02092400039) 11:30 am Note: Several calls were made to the SBK transaction manager and the BOL team via email correspondence.
SBK replied stating that all result files were sent through successfully and that we should investigate further on our side.
Further investigation shows that the processing issue started on the 29th.
Based on the timing, this change has a high chance of being related to the Changes implemented on 29th August to the Result Service.
Both teams met at 20:00 to roll back the changes made and reprocess all the outstanding results.
MQF had been informed of the rollback with our timelines for the 20:00 rollback and have the results processed by 22:00 tonight. Note: Slow processing due to the result service failure from the change on the 29th of August, we had to reprocess the result files for the 29th / 30th /31st. About 100 files were processed for the 3 days.
By 08:00 this morning we are still processing the remaining 40 results files. Note: unfortunately with the files being so large due to month end, the processing has been taking some time.
MQF are getting the results in their postback but this has affected their month-end.
All outstanding results have been processed by 2:00 pm
Posted Sep 04, 2024 - 11:30 CAT
The recent changes to BankTech have caused the DC results processing to fail. Our technical teams scheduled a rollback on the changes at 8:00 pm 02/09/2024 and reprocessed the results. The processing issue started on August 29th and is likely related to the Result Service changes. All outstanding results have been processed by 2:00 pm 03/09/2024.